The sides of the triangle are in the ratio 3: 2 : 4 for if the perimeter of the triangle is 27 cm find the length of the each side

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⇒  Perimeter of triangles is 27cm.
⇒  Sides are given in ratio 3:2:4
⇒  We know, Perimeter of triangle = Sum of all sides.
⇒  Let sides of triangle are 3x,2x and 4x.
⇒  3x+2x+4x=27
⇒  9x=27
∴  x=3
⇒  1st side =3x=3×3=9cm
⇒  2nd side =2x=2×3=6cm
⇒  3rd side =4x=4×3=12cm

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