`9*65D` C of electric current is passed through fused anhydrous magnesium chloride. The magnesium metal thus, obtained is completely converted into a grignard reagents. What is the number of moles of grignard reagent obtained?

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`Mg^(2+)(aq)+underset((2xx96500C))(2e)^(-)toMg(s)` (At cathode)
`2xx29500C` of charge deposite MG metal =1mol
`9*65C` of charge deposite Mg metal `=((1mol))/((2xx96500C))xx(9*65C)=5xx10^(-5)mol`
`R-X+underset(1mol)(Mg)("Anhyd. ether")toR-underset(1mol)(MG)-X`
`therefore` No of moles of grignard reagent obtained `=5xx10^(-5)`mol.

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