Probability that A speaks truth is `4/5` . A coin is tossed. A reports that a appears. The probability that actually there was head is
A. `4/5`
B. `1/2`
C. `1/5`
D. `2/5`

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Correct Answer - A
Let `E_(1)=` event of getting head,
`E_(2)=` event of not getting head,
and `E=` event that A tells, a head is obtained
`:.P(E_(1))=P(E_(2))=1/2``P(E//E_(1))=` probability that A tells a head is obtained when a head appears `=4//5`
`P(E//E_(2))=` probability that a tells, a head is obtained when a head does not apear
Now, required probability `=`

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