Match the reactions mentioned in column-I with the nature of the reaction/characteristics of the products mentioned in column-II.
`{:("Column I","Column II"),((A)(NH_4)_2S_2O_8+H_2Ooverset("distillation")to,(p)"Hydrolysis"),((B)NaBO_2+H_2O+H_2O_2overset(OH^(-))to,(q)"One of the products has peroxide linkage" ),(( C)Na_2SO_3underset("temperature")overset("fusior")to,(r)"Disproportionation"),((D)"2-Ethyl anthraquinol+air"to,(s)"In one of the products the central atom has" sp^3 "hybridisation"),(,(t)"One of the products is used as brighter in washing powder".):}`

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Correct Answer - A`to`p,q,s ; B`to`p,q,s,t ; C`to`r,s ; D`to` q,s
(B)`2NaBO_2+H_2O_2+6H_2Ooverset("Alkaline hydrolysis")toNa[(OH)_2B_2(O-O)_2(OH)_2]6H_2O`
Peroxoborate is used as brighter in washing power.
(C )`4Na_2SO_3 overset("disproportionation")toNa_2S+Na_2SO_4`
(D)2-Ethylanthraqunol + air `(O_2)to`2-ethylanthraquinone +`H_2O_2`

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