Match the column-I with Column - II
Note that column- I may have more than one matching options in column-II.
`{:(,"Column-I" , "Column-II",),(("A"),"Reversible adiabatic compression ",("P")DeltaS_("system") gt 0,),(("B"),"Reversible vaposiation",("Q")DeltaS_("system") lt0,),(("C"),"A diabatic free expansion of ideal gas in vacuum at constant temperature ",("R")DeltaS_("surrounding") gt 0,),(("D"),"Dissocaiation of " CaCo_(3) to CaO(s) + CO_(2)(g) "",("S")DeltaS_("surrounding")= 0,) :}`

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Correct Answer - `(A) to S (B) to P,R (C) to P,S (D) to P,R`
For all reversible process
For irreversible process
`DeltaS_("total") gt 0`
(a) `" "DeltaS=nC_(v)ln .((T_(2))/(T_(1))) +nR ln .(V_(2))/(V_(1))" "[T_(1)V_(1)^(gamma-1) = T_(2)V_(2)^(gamma-1)]`
`" "DeltaS =0`
`" "DeltaS_("surrounding") = - (-q)/(T) = 0" "[q = 0]`
(b) Heat is supplied from surrounding to system
`DeltaS_("system")gt 0`
`DeltaS_("surrounding") lt 0`
(c) `DeltaT = 0`
`w =q=0, DeltaS_("surrounding")=0`
`DeltaS= nC_(v) ln.(T_(2))/(T_(1)) + nR ln.(V_(2))/(V_(1))`
`DeltaS_("system") gt 0`
(d) Heat is supplied
`Deltas_("system") lt 0`

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