Match the values of ionization energy and electron gain enthalpy listed in column I with characteristic(s) of elements listed in column II.
`{:("Column-I","Column-II"),((A)"2372 5251 +48",(p)"Element which acts as a strong reducing agent"),((B)"419 3051 -48",(q)"Element which exists as a monoatomic molecule"),((C )"1681 3374 -333",(r)"Least reactive non-metal"),((D)"1008 1846 -295",(s)"Element which acts as a strong oxidising agent"),(,(t)"Element which oxides is a stronger basic in nature"):}`

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Correct Answer - A`to`q ; B`to`p,t ;C`to`s ; D`to`r
(A)Inert gas exist as monoatomic molecule. They have highest `IE_1` and `IE_2` and positive electron gain enthalpies.
(B)Alkali metal -`IE_1` is low because of bigger size of atom and `IE_2` is high due to noble gas configuration . As it has low `IE_1` it can lose one electron easily and thus more electropositive .So it acts as strong reducing agents and their oxides are basic in nature.They have low negative value of `DeltaH_(eg)` because of large size.
(C )`IE_1 and IE_2` both high and negative value of electron gain enthalpy is very high because of high nuclear charge and small size of atoms, so it has a greater tendency to accept an additional electron.So it (F) act as a strong oxidising agent.
(D)As it has less negative value for `DeltaH_(eg)` than (C ) thus it will be least reactive non-metal (I)

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