A deuteron strikes `""._(7) N^(14)` nucles with the subsequent emission of an `alpha `-particle ,Find the atomic number , Mass number and chemical name of the element so produced

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the nuclear reaction as per the given data is given data is given as ,
`""_(7)N^(14)+""_(1)h^(2) to ""_(2)Z^(A)+""_(2)He^(4) " " (alpha - " particle ")`
According to laws of conservation
(i) for change,
`sum Z_("intital ")=sum Z_("final ")`
`implies 7+1=z+2implies z=6`
(ii) for mass number ,
`sum A_("initial ")=sum A_("final")`
`implies 14+2=A+4implies A=12`
`implies ""_(6)Z^(12)to ` the element is carbon ""_(6)C^(12)`.

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