One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas expanded irreversibly in two stage expansion .
`"State"-1" "("8.0 bar, 4.0 liters, 300K")`
`"State"-2" "("2.0 bar, 16 liters, 300K")`
`"State"-3" "("1.0 bar, 32 liters, 300K")`
Total heat absored by the gas in the process is :
A. 116 J
B. 40 J
C. 4000 J
D. None of these

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Correct Answer - C
`W = - P_(ext)[V_(2)-V_(1)]`
`W_(1) = - 2 [16-4] xx 100 " "= - 2400 J`
`W_(2) = - [32 -16] = - 16 xx 100 = - 1600 J`
" "`-4000`
`q = - W = 4000 J`

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