A reaction at 300 K with `DeltaG^(@)` `=- 1743 J//mol` consister of 3 mole of A(g), mole of B(g) and 3 mole of C (g). If A, B and C(g) . If A,B and C are equal are in equilibrium in 1 liter container then the reaction may be
`[Given :2=e^(0.7), R=8.3 J//K-mol]`

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Correct Answer - C
`DeltaG^(@) =- "RT In K"_(eq)`
`or,- 1743 = - 8.3 xx300 xx In K_(ep)`
`K_(eq) = 2 =K_(eq) " for reaction 2A"hArr B+C " from given data"`

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