For a reaction : `A+B to` Products.
The rate law expression is: rate = `k[A]^(1//3).[B]^(2)`.
a) What is the order of the reaction?
b) What are the units of rate constant if concentration is measured in mol `dm^(-3)` and time in seconds?

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a) The rate law epression is:
Rate(r) = `k[A]^(1//3)[B]^(2)therefore` Order of reaction `=1/3 + 2=2(1/3)`
b) Rate constant, k =`("rate")/([A]^(1//3)[B]^(2))`
`therefore` Units of rate constant = `(moldm^(-3)s^(-1))/((mol dm^(-3^(1//3))(mol dm^(-3))^(2)))`
`=(moldm^(-3))^(1-7//3)s^(-1)=(mol dm^(-3))^(-4/3)s^(-1) = dm^(4)mol^(-4//3)s^(-1)`

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