The probability of any given day in the month of May not being a Monday if the 1st day of May is a Monday is ………

A) 1/2

B) 31/6

C) 26/31

D) 5/31

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Correct option is: C) \(\frac {26}{31}\).

If 1st May is Monday then 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th May are also Monday.

Total Mondays in month of May = 5.

Total number of days in month of May = 31.

\(\therefore\) Probability of choosing Monday in month of May whose 1st day is Monday = \(\frac 5{31}\) 

Probability of choosing non-Monday = \(1-\frac 5{31} = \frac {31-5}{31} = \frac {26}{31}\) 

Hence, required probability is \(\frac {26}{31}\).

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Correct option is: C) \(\frac{26}{31}\)

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