Gita said that the probability of impossible event is 1. Pravallika said that probability of sure event is 0 and Atiya said that the probability of any event lies between 0 arid 1. In the above with whom you will agree ?

A) Gita 

B) Pravallika 

C) Atiya 

D) All the three

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Correct option is: C) Atiya

\(\because\) Probability of an impossible event is 0 \(\neq\) 1.

Hence, the statement of Gita is wrong.

Also, probability of a sure event is 1 \(\neq\) 0

Hence, the statement of Pravallika is wrong.

Since, 0 \(\leq\) P \(\leq\) 1, i.e, probability of any event always lies between 0 and 1.

Hence, the statement of Atiya is true 

Thus, we have to agree with Atiya.

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Correct option is: C) Atiya

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