In a class test (+3) marks are given for every correct answer and (-2)marks are given for every incorrect answer and no marks for not attempting any question.

(i) Radhika scored 20 marks. If she has got 12 correct answers, how many questions has she attempted incorrectly?

(ii) Mohini scores (-5) marks in this test, though she has got 7 correct answers. How many questions has she attempted incorrect?

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(i)Marks given for one correct answer = 3 

Marks given for 12 correct answers = 3 x 12 = 36 Radhika scored 20 marks. 

Therefore, Marks obtained for incorrect answers = 20 – 36 = – 16 

Now, marks given for one incorrect answer = –2 

Therefore, number of incorrect answers = (-16)  /(-2) = 8

Thus, Radhika has attempted 8 incorrect questions.

(ii) Marks given for seven correct answers = 3 x 7 = 21 Mohini scores = –5

Marks obtained for incorrect answers =  –5 – 21 = – 26 Now, marks given for one incorrect answer = –2 

Therefore, number of incorrect answers = (-26)/(-2) = 13

13 Thus, Mohini has attempted 13 incorrect questions.

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