“International trade benefits both the parties involve.” Do you agree? Justify your answer:

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No doubt, trade benefits both the parties involved. These gains can be categorised as static and dynamic.

Static gains from trade:

1. If a country has an absolute or relative advantage in the production of some goods, it can specialize in those goods and can trade it for others. It will increase total productivity. 

2. Increase in imports will increase country’s ability to satisfy consumer needs. Imports of capital goods may also increase the economic growth rate in the initial stages. It may also shift economy closer to its production possibility curve indicating relatively fuller utilization of resources. 

3. Specialization based on comparative advantage will result more efficient utilization of resources. Hence, a labour abundant country will expand those industries which use more of labour. It will stimulate employment and wage rates will go up. 

4. According to Myint, international trade can provide a larger market for developing countries that will help these countries to increase their output and employment and hence, they will shift closer to PPC and real output will increase. 

5. Trade brings various nations closer and interlinks the economies of the world. It helps to learn from each other’s experience and sharing of capital, technology and knowhow also increases.

Negative static effects of trade:

1. An economy which specialises in labour intensive industries at the cost of modern sector may face problems. It is so because the products of these industries have low price elasticities of demand and supply of agriculture and primary goods is quite instable. 

2. Large chunks of stock will lead to unfavorable terms of trade for the country. It may reduce the benefits expected from trade. 

3. Specializing in labour intensive industries and relying on developed nations for modern machinery and commodities is not advisable on the principle of prudence. 

4. Since there is huge unemployment in developing countries, increased demand for labour will not increase wage rate so much. 

5. Since there are inflexibilities in traditional economies, the expected gains from trade do not get realized. Rather trade benefits developed countries more and thereby increases the inequalities of income amongst nations. Dynamic gains from trade:

Dynamic positive effects:

1. When economy operates at a larger scale with access to the markets of other countries, it can avail of economies of scale which otherwise will not be available. Economies of large scale will make these countries more competitive in international market. 

2. International trade gives*an exposure to world market and international technology of production which a closed economy can not have. It helps an under developed country to grow at a fast pace and become more competitive. 

3. There are many other dynamic changes that occur in the economy via trade like increased investment due to better economic environment, approach to world class technology, institutional changes, exposure to new and different products.

Dynamic negative effects:

1. Market imperfections may increase social costs. Hence, trade that considers only private costs may not be consistent with the long term development goals. 

2. The overall effect of exports will vary from industry to industry; sector to sector. Some industries may get benefit more than others. 

3. If increasing returns to scale are available for some commodity, it may lead to higher profits through exports rather than one in which decreasing returns to scale are expected. Hence, returns to scale may complicate the judgment whether exports are benefiting or not. 

4. Existence of imperfection in markets and government policies may adversely affect the expected dynamic gains. 

5. Many a time, trade benefits developed countries more than developing ones. In such a situation, it may worsen the relative economic strength of developing nations.

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