“Public sector has changed its role since 1991 a great deal”. Do you agree? Justify your answer.

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The role and importance of public sector changed with passage of time. 

1. Development of infrastructure: At the time of independence, India suffered from an acute shortage of heavy industries such as engineering, iron and steel, oil refineries, heavy machineries, etc. Because of huge investment requirement and long gestation period, private sector was not willing to enter these areas. The duty of development of basic infrastructure was assigned to public sector which it discharged quite efficiently. 

2. Regional balance: Earlier, most of the development was limited to a few areas like port towns. For providing employment to the people and for accelerating the economic development of backward areas many industries were set up by public sector in those areas. 

3. Economics of scale: In certain industries (like electric power plants, natural gas, petroleum, etc) huge capital and large base are required to function economically. Such areas were taken up by public sector. 

4. Control of monopoly and restrictive trade practices: These enterprises were also established to provide completion to private sector and to check their monopolies and restrictive trade practices. 

5. Import substitution: Public enterprises were also engaged in production of capital equipments which were earlier imported from other countries. At the same time public sector companies like STC and MMTC have played an important role in expanding exports of the country. Very important role was assigned to public sector but its performance was far from satisfactory which forced government to do rethinking on public enterprises.

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