Bhavna runs 10 times around a square field of side 80 m. Her sister Sushmita runs 8 times around a rectangular field with length 150 m and breadth 60 m. Who covers more distance? By how much?

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Distance covered by Bhavana in one round = Perimeter of the square field 

= 4 × side of square field = 4 × 80 m = 320 m 

Distance covered in 10 rounds = (320 × 10)m = 3200 m 

Distance covered by Sushmita in one round 

= Perimeter of the rectangular field 

= 2 × (length + breadth) 

= 2 × (150 + 60)m = 2 × 210 = 420 m 

Distance covered in 8 rounds = 420 × 8 = 3360 m 

Hence, Sushmita has covered 160 m more than the distance coverd by Bhavna.

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