The longest side of a triangle is twice the shortest side and the third side is 2cm longer than the shortest side. If the perimeter of the triangle is more than 166 cm then find the minimum length of the shortest side.

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Let the length of shortest side be x cm.

According to the given information,

Longest side = 2 x Shortest side = 2x cm

And third side = 2 + Shortest side = (2 + x) cm

Perimeter of triangle = x + 2x + (x + 2) = 4x + 2

But it is given that,

Perimeter > 166 cm

=> 4x + 2 > 166 => 4x> 166-2 => 4x>164

x>164/4 =41 cm

Hence, the minimum length of shortest side is 41 cm.

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