Harish the director of a company is planning to manufacture stuffed toys for utilising waste materials of one of his garment factories. He decided that this manufacturing unit will be set up in a rural area so that people of that area will have more job opportunities. For this, he selected Rehman, Anita Benerjee, Harpreet Kaur, and Umesh (differently abled but very intelligent and creative Persons in designing) as heads of Sales, Account, Purchase and Production departments respectively.

(a) Identify and state the next three steps Harish has to follow in the 'staffing process' after selecting heads of different departments.

(b) Identify any two values that Harish wants to communicate by setting up this manufacturing unit.

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(a) After selecting the heads of different departments the next three steps to be followed in the staffing process are:

(i) Placement and orientation.

(ii) Training and development.

(iii) Performance appraisal.

(b) Two values that Harish wants of communicate are:

(i) Optimum and efficient utilisation of the waste materials.

(ii) Fulfilling social responsibilities by providing the employment opportunities.

(iii) Recognition of talented personnels.

(iv) Equal treatment and equal chance to every one without any discrimination on the basis of religion, caste, etc.

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