The pH of a salt used to make tasty and crispy pakoras is 14. Identify the salt and write a chemical equation for its formation. List its two uses.

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The salt is Baking Soda i.e., Sodium bi carbonate.


Uses of Baking Soda

(i) It is used as an antacid as it reduces the acidity in the stomach.

(ii)Due to the formation of soapy foam, it is used in fire extinguishers

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* NaHCO(Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate/ Sodium Bicarbonate)

* NaCl + H2O + CO2 + NH-----> NH4Cl + NaHCO3 


(a) For making baking powder 

(b) As ingredient of antacid. 

(c) Soda-acid fire extinguishers.

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