Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

List-I (Industry) List-II (Centre)
A. Iron and steel 1. Turin
B. Ship building 2. Taipei
C. Electronics 3. Montreal
D. Automobile 4. Pittsburgh


       A   B   C   D 

(a) 1    2     3   4 

(b) 4   3   2     1 

(c) 3   4   1    2 

(d) 2   4   1   3

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(b) Turin is the centre of automobile industry. Turin is a city and an important business and cultural centre in northern Italy, capital of the Piedmont region. Pittsburgh is the centre of iron and steel industry. Pittsburgh is the seat of Allegheny County and with a population of 306,211 is the second-largest city in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. Montreal is the centre of ship-building. Montreal is a city in the Canadian province of Quebec. It is the largest city in the province. Taipai is the centre of electronics. Taipei, officially known as Taipei City, is the capital of Taiwan. Situated at the northern tip of Taiwan, Taipei is located on the Tamsui river.