Giving reason, explain how should the following be treated in estimating gross domestic product at Market Price.

(i) Fees to a mechanic Paid by a firm.

(ii) Interest paid by an individual on a car loan taken from a bank.

(iii) Expenditure on purchasing a car for use by a firm.

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(i) Fee to a mechanic paid by a firm is intermediate consumption expenditure of a firm. Since the inclusion of intermediate consumption expenditure leads to double counting, it will not be included in estimating GDP at market Price. 

(ii) Interest paid by an individual on a car loan taken from the bank will not be included in estimating GDP at market price since the loan is used for consumption purpose and not for production purpose. 

(iii) A car is a capital good for a firm, therefore, expenditure on purchasing a car for use by a firm will be a part of the gross domestic fixed capital formation and will be included in estimating GDP at market price by expenditure method.

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