Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

List-I (Crops) List-II (Largest producer)
A. Wheat 1. Brazil
B. Cotton 2. China
C. Sugarcane 3. U.S.A.
D. Tea 4. India


      A    B   C   D 

(a) 1    2   3    4 

(b)  2   3  1     4 

(c) 2   4   3     1 

(d) 4  1   2     3

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(b) China is the largest producer of wheat. Roughly two-thirds of the total wheat production came from the north China plain and nearly another third from the central provinces. Winter wheat accounts for about 94% of China’s total wheat output. U.S.A. is the largest producer of cotton. In its January report, USDA estimated a ‘13-14 US crop of 13.19 million bales. Upland production was estimated at 12.55 million bales and extra-long staple production at 636,000 bales. Brazil is the largest producer of sugarcane. Brazil’s sugarcane industry association UNICA estimates Brazil’s sugar cane production in 2012/13 at 531.4 million ton which is 8% up from the 493.2 million ton produced in 2011/12. India is the largest producer of tea. Tea Board of India shows that during January to August, tea production has risen by 6.2% to 705 million kg in 2013.

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