Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

List-I (Mineral) List-II (Area of production)
A. Coal 1. Highveld
B. Gold 2. Karaganda Basin
C. Iron ore 3. Krivoi Rog
D. Petroleum 4. San Joaquin valley


    A   B   C   D 

(a) 2  3   1   4 

(b) 2   1   3   4 

(c) 4   1   2   3 

(d) 1   2   3   4

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(b) Karaganda Basin is known for coal production. Karagandy, more commonly known by its Russian name Karaganda, is the capital of Karagandy province in Kazakhstan. Highveld is known for gold production. The Highveld is the portion of the South African inland plateau. Krivoi Rog is known for iron ore production. It is a city in central Ukraine. It is situated in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, to the southwest of the Oblast’s administrative centre. San Joaquin valley is known for petroleum exploration. The San Joaquin Valley is the area of the central valley of the U.S. state of California that lies south of the Sacramento – San Joaquin river delta in Stockton.

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