Why is India not able to perform to her full potential in iron and steel production? Explain any three reasons.

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India is an important producer of iron and steel but still it has failed to perform to its potential due to following reasons:

(i) Shortage of raw material

(ii) Lower productivity of labour

(iii) Shortage of power

(iv) Poor infrastructure

(v) Lower investment in research and development

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Though India is an important producer of iron and steel, we are not able to perform to our full potential because of the following reasons: 

  • High cost and limited availability of coking coal. 
  • Labour engaged in production has low productivity. 
  • Irregular supply of electricity add up to its problems of production. 
  • Technological development in iron and steel industries is less. 
  • Resource allocation for research and development in production of steel are comparatively very less.
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