Twenty five percent of Pranab’s annual salary is equal to eighty percent of Surya’s annual salary. Surya’s monthly salary is forty percent of Dheeru’s monthly salary. If Dheeru’s annual salary is Rs.6 lacs,what is Pranab’s monthly salary ? (At some places annual income and in some place monthly income is given.)

(a) Rs. 7.68 lacs (b) Rs.56,000 (c) Rs.8.4 lacs (d) Rs.64,000 (e) None of these

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(d) Dhreeu’s monthly salary = 6,00,000 /12 = Rs.50,000

Surya’s monthly salary = 50,000 x 40 /100 = Rs.20,000

Pranab’s monthly salary = 20,000 x 80 /25 =Rs.64,000

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