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The differences between electrolytic reduction and thermal reduction are-

Thermal reduction Electrolytic reduction
1. carbon is used as a reduction agent.                                                
2. Oxide of moderately reactive metals (e.g., Zn, Fe, Cu, Ni) are reduced by carbon.                                                           
3. In this process, the metal oxide is mixed with carbon (coke) and heated in a furnace.
ZnO   +   C    -------> Zn   + CO
1. Electrolysis process is used for reduction.
2. Oxide (and chlorides) of highly reactive metals (e.g., Al, Na, Mg, Ca) are reduced by this process.
3. In this process,molten metal oxide is electrolysed in an electrolytic cell where the cathode acts as a powerful reducing agent by supplying electrons to reduce metal ions into metal.
Al3+  + 3e-  ------->   Al  

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