The force exerted by the floor of an elevator on the foot of a person standing there is more than the weight of the person if the elevator is 

(a) going up and slowing down 

(b) going up and speeding up 

(c) going down and slowing down 

(d) going down and speeding up.

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(b) going up and speeding up
(c) going down and slowing down


If we are going to use Newton's laws of motion in a non-inertial frame like accelerating elevator, we have to apply a pseudo force on the object that is opposite in the direction of the acceleration and its magnitude is mass times the magnitude of this acceleration. Only in the cases of option (b) and (c) the acceleration of the elevator has direction upwards. In these cases the direction of the pseudo force will be downwards  which will add to the weight of the person. 

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