For how many values of p, the circle x2 + y2 + 2x + 4y – p = 0 and the coordinate axes have exactly three common points?

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Centre (–1, –2)
Geometrically, circle will have exactly 3 common points with axes in the cases
(i) Passing through origin => p = 0
(ii) Touching x-axis and intersecting y-axis at two
points i.e. f2 > C and g2 = C.
i.e. 4 > – p and 1 = –p
=> p > –4 and p = –1
=> p = –1
(iii) Touching y-axis and intersecting x-axis at two points i.e. f2 = c and g2 > C
=> 4 = –p and 1 > –p
=> p = –4 and p > –1
which is not possible.
∴ Only two values of p are possible.

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