For three events A, B and C, P(Exactly one of A or B occurs) = P(Exactly one of B or C occurs) = P(Exactly one of C or A occurs) = 1/4 and P (All the three events occur simultaneously) = 1/6. Then the probability that at least one of the events occurs, is :

(1) 7/32
(2) 7/16
(3) 7/64
(4) 3/16

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P(A) + P(B) – 2P (A B) = 1/4
P(B) + P(C) – 2P(B C) = 1/4
P(A) + P(C) – 2P(A C) = 1/4
P (A B C) = 1/16
P(A) + P(B) + P(C) – P(A B) – P(B C ) – P(A C) + P(A B C) = 3/8+1/16=6+1/16=7/16