The stability of dihalides of Si, Ge, Sn and Pb increases steadily in the sequence

(a) PbX2 << SnX2 << GeX2 << SiX2

(b) GeX2 << SiX2 << SnX2 << PbX2

(c) SiX2<< GeX2 << PbX2 << SnX2

(d) SiX2 << GeX2 << SnX2 << PbX2 .

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(c) : Due to the inert pair effect (the reluctance of ns2 electrons of outermost shell to participate in bonding) the stability of M2+ ions (of group IV elements) increases as we go down the group.

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Correct option  (B)SiX≤ Gex2 ≤ PbX2 ≤ SnX2 


Due to inert pair effect, stability of +2 oxidation state increases as we move down this groupSiX≤ Gex2 ≤ PbX2 ≤ SnX2 

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