The slits in a Young's double slit experiment have equal width and the source is placed symmetrically with respect to the slits. The intensity at the central fringe is 4 . If one of the slits is closed, the intensity at this point will be

(a) Io

(b) lo/4

(c) Io/2

(d) 4Io.

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The correct answer is (b) IO/4


As in the previous explanation the maximum intensity 

I₀ = (√I₁ + √I₂)². Here given that I₁ = I₂ = I (say). 

→I₀ = 4 I  ------- (i) 

If one slit is closed I₀' = I 

→I₀' = I₀/4      {from (i)} 

Hence option (b)

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