When a metal wire is stretched by a load, the fractional change in its volume ∆V/ V is proportional to

(a) ∆l/l

(b) (∆l/l)2

(c) √(∆l/l)

(d) none of these.

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The correct answer is (a) ∆l/l


When a metal wire is stretched by a load the fractional change in the transverse length is proportional to the fractional change in the longitudinal length. i.e.,

 Δd/d = σ*Δl/l, where σ is the Poisson's ratio. 

Let the original cross-sectional area =A and final area a. 

Change in volume ΔV = a*Δl and the original volume V =Al 

Hence the fractional change in the volume  

ΔV/V = a*Δl/Al = (a/A)*(Δl/l) =(d'²/d²)(Δl/l) 

={(d-Δd)²/d²}(Δl/l) ={(d²-2d*Δd)/d²}(Δl/l)  

[taking Δd² negligible] 

So, ΔV/V = {1-2*Δd/d}(Δl/l) 

={1-2* σ*(Δl/l)}*(Δl/l) 

=Δl/l - 2σΔl²/l² 

→ΔV/V = Δl/l {Taking Δl² negligible} 

Hence the option (a).

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