The importance of India as a large nation lies in its unity. Unity is India’s
strength and unity in diversity is the most important feature of India. However, time and again we have witnessed a rise in various social tensions among people of different states and linguistic origin with the help of MCB Unit, ‘National Integration’. Write a letter to the Editor, drawing the attention of the public towards the need to develop the spirit of unity in 100-120 words. You are Sarvesh Kumar.

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187, Lajpat Nagar 

New Delhi  

Date: February 20, 20xx 

The Editor 

The Times of India 

New Delhi 

Subject: Development of the spirit of Unity

 Dear Sir, 

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the general public towards the need to develop the spirit of unity. In India, national integration alone can be the foundation of a strong, united and prosperous India, especially in these days of terrorism. It is said that ‘United we stand, divided we fall’. People should understand that a united country is respected in the eyes of others. However, communal lashes, social and economic inequalities put a challenge to our national harmony. 

Adequate measures should be taken to remove the social and economic inequalities to ensure unity among various sections of the society. The various social issues such as caste system, child labour, dowry system etc. should be eradicated from our society. 

People need to accept that there is a need for unity in India. They should not be committed to a particular religion but to the nation as a whole. 

Yours sincerely, 

Sarvesh Kumar