What were the Corn Laws ? Why were these laws abolished ? How abolition of the Corn Laws affect the people in England ?
What were the 'Corn Laws' ? How did the abolition of 'Corn Laws' affect the people of England ?

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(i) The laws allowing the British Government to restrict the import of corn is known as the "Corn Laws". 
(ii) These laws were abolished because the industrialists and urban dwellers were unhappy with high food prices; as a result of which they forced the abolition of the Corn Laws. 
Result: Food could be imported into Britain at a much cheaper rate.


(i) Britain began to import food grains from rest of the world. British; agriculture was unable to compete with imports. 
(ii) Vast areas of land were now left uncultivated. 
(iii) Thousands of men and women were thrown out of work. They started migrating to cities. 
(iv) Food prices fell and consumption in Britain rose. 
(v) Other countries: Russia, America, and Australia sent food grains to meet the British demand. 
(vi) They required railways to link the ports.