(a) Explain with the help of an example each, the following interactions that arise between the organisms living in a particular habitat.
(i) Predation
(ii) Competition
(b) “Evolution of ‘mutualists’ is tightly linked. “ Justify with the help of an example.

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(a) (i) Predation ; Predators act as conduit of energy in the habitat / keep the prey population under check / help to maintain healthy balance among populations in a habitat / reduce intenstiy of competition among prey species (help as bio-control agents) eg - Star fish Pisaster / sparrow eating worms / any other appropriate answer
(ii) Competition : Here closely related species compete with same resources that are limited , which means fitness of one species is significantly reduced in presence of another species, eg. flamingo and fishes in water compete for the same food source - Zooplankton in the water / any other suitable example 
(b) Many species of fig trees have one - to one relationship with the pollinator species of wasp. (i.e. a given specification of fig tree can be pollinated by its partners wasp only) , as the female
wasp uses the fruit both for egg laying as well as nourishing the larvae on the developing seeds , wasp pollinates the fig inflorences while searching for suitable egg laying site (or any other suitable example) 

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