What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a solar cooker? Are there places where solar cookers would have limited utility?

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Solar cookers have limited utility at places which remain cloudy or have longer winters; e.g., hilly areas.
Advantages of using a solar cooker:
(l) It cooks food without causing;any kind of pollution.
(ii) It is economical to use solar cooker because nothing is to be paid for using solar energy.
(iii) It is easy to handle solar cooker and there is no chance of any kind of accident.
(iv) The nutrients in the food do not get destroyed.
Disadvantages of using a solar cooker:
(i) Solar cooker cannot be used at night and during cloudy weather.
(ii) It takes more time to cook food.
(iii) The direction of solar cooker is to be changed continuously  torwards the direction of the Sun.
(iv) Solar energy is not available uniformly all the time and at all the places.
(v) It cannot be used for making chapatis and for frying purposes.

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