Describe the changes in circulatory system after training

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Training have following effects on circulatory system:

Increase in oxygen circulation to muscles: Blood contains three different types of cells i.e. white blood cells which fight infection, red blood cells that transport oxygen and platelets which help in blood clotting. All these cells float in blood plasma. When you exercise your red blood cells are saturated with oxygen and increases the transportation of enough oxygen to the muscles.

Return of normal pulse quickly: The pulse/heart rate returns to normal quickly after exercise. Thus, body feels relaxed after sometime.

Blood pooling: When you exercise, blood is diverted from non-essential organs like digestive system or reproductive system to the working muscles. This is called blood pooling. When the strenuous exercise is over, the pooled blood moves out of the muscles back into general circulation, particularly after cooling down.

Faster Adaptation to working load: In a trained person, the heart can adapt to working load quickly 1.e., quick adjustment of heart according to body needs.

Increase in blood circulation: Due to the muscles squeezing in the veins, more blood is sent back to the heart. As the heart fills up, its stretches. As the muscle fibres stretch, they contact more strongly and pump out more blood. As a result, there is increase in blood circulation.

Cardiovascular system improves: Regular exercises improve cardiovascular system thus blood travels faster through blood vessels.

Faster healing: The increased circulation of blood makes healing faster, therefore, there is faster recovery from injuries.

Cardiorespiratory system improves: With improved circulation, the efficiency of respiratory system also improves.

Increase in number of RBC: The number of RBC (Red Blood Corpuscles) increases when exercises are taken on regular basis. These RBCs are the carriers of nutrients including haemoglobin and oxygen, to the muscles.

Increase in number of WBC: It has also been noted that regular exercises increase the number of WBC (White Blood Corpuscles).

Hypertrophy of Heart: With regular exercise the hypertrophy of heart take place. With this effect, there is an increase in stroke volume and cardiac output.