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The system that circulates blood and lymph through the body, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, blood, lymph, and the lymphatic vessels and glands.

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The circulatory system is a body-wide network of blood, blood vessels, and lymph. Powered by the heart, it is the body’s distribution system to organs with oxygen, hormones and essential nutrients that helps it function properly.

The circulatory system consists of four major components:

The Heart: About the size of two adult hands held together, the heart rests near the center of the chest. Thanks to consistent pumping, the heart keeps the circulatory system working at all times.

Arteries: Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart and where it needs to go.

Veins: Veins carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs where they receive oxygen.

Blood: Blood is the transport media of nearly everything within the body. It transports hormones, nutrients, oxygen, antibodies, and other important things needed to keep the body healthy.

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