Among the ecosystem services are control of floods and soil erosion.
How is this achieved by the biotic components of the ecosystem?

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The biotic components of an ecosystem include the living organisms such as plants and animals. Plants play a very important role in controlling floods and soil erosion. The roots of plants hold the soil particles together, thereby preventing the top layer of the soil to get eroded by wind or running water. The roots also make the soil porous, thereby allowing ground water infiltration and preventing floods. Hence, plants are able to prevent soil erosion and natural calamities such as floods and droughts. They also increase the fertility of soil and biodiversity.

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Ecosystem services regulate and protects ecosystem that are essential for maintaining climate and ecology of area. Control of soil erosion

  • Plant roots hold soil particles firmly.
  • Plant cover protects soil from erosion by wind and water.
  • Plants increases porosity and fertility of the soil.

Control of floods It is carried by retention of water and prevention of runoff. Litter and humus of plants acts as sponge to retain rainwater. Plants hold soil, so prevents soil erosion. Rainwater does not run – off, so prevents flood as they filter water into soil.

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Earth’s rich biodiversity is vital for indirect benefits like control of floods and soil erosion. Species richness checks soil erosion by binding the soil particles thereby reducing the rate of water velocity, hence reducing the chances of floods.

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Control of soil erosion: Plant roots hold the soil particles tightly and do not allow the top soil to be drifted away by winds or moving water. Plants increase the porosity and fertility of the soil. 

Control of floods: It is carried out by retaining water and preventing run off of rain water. Litter and humus of plants function as sponges thus, retaining the water which percolates down and get stored as underground water. Hence, the flood is controlled.

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