What are the methods of preventing or reducing soil erosion?

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The methods of preventing or reducing soil erosion are:
(i) Prevention of deforestation
(ii) Plantation of trees

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Preventive methods of soil erosion

(i) Afforestation Planting more trees reduces soil erosion.

(ii) Contour Ploughing Ploughing land in furrows across the natural slope of the land helps trap water and prevent the washing away of top soil along with it.

(iii) Step (terrace) Farming Farmers form a series of steps by making horizontal strips supported by walls to catch the descending water. It gives the water sufficient time to percolate into the soil and nourish the crop.

(iv) Soil Cover After harvesting a crop, soil is covered with dried vegetation to prevent its erosion.

(v) Overgrazing Grasses tend to bind soil particles to prevent their erosion. If overgrazing is allowed, the grasses are uprooted and soil gets eroded.

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1. The roots of plants have an important role in preventing soil erosion.

2. We should give importance for reforestation. Afforestation programmes instead of deforestation.

3. Vegetative cover on the ground has a role to play in the percolation water into the deeper layers too. In the hilly or mountainous region we should grow more grass.
By these methods we can prevent or reduce the soil erosion.

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The methods of preventing or reducing soil erosion are:
(i) Prevention of deforestation
(ii) Plantation of trees

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