Give an example of characteristics being used to determine how close two species are in evolutionary terms.

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The presence of feathers in dinosaurs and birds indicates that they are evolutionarily related. Dinosaurs had feathers not for flying but instead these feathers provided insulation to these warm-blooded animals. However, the feathers in birds are used for flight. This proves that reptiles and birds are closely related and that the evolution of wings started in reptiles.

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The changes in DNA during reproduction are mainly responsible for evolution. The changes which take place in the DNA of species go on accumulating from one generation to the next. So, if the changes in the DNA of any two species are less, then the two species are quite close to one another in evolutionary terms. But if the changes in the DNA of two species are much more, then the two species will be far apart from one another in evolutionary terms. Thus, it is the characteristic of the extent of change in the DNA which is being used to determine how close two species are in evolutionary terms.

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The characteristics in different organisms would be similar because they are inherited from a common ancestor. As an example, consider the fact that mammals have four limbs, as do birds, reptiles and amphibians. The basic structure of the limbs is similar through it has been modified to perform different functions in various vertebrates. Such a homologous characteristic helps to identify an evolutionary relationship between apparently different species.

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The relative closeness of two species can be determined using characters called the homologous characteristics. These are similar in different species, because of their inheritance from a common ancestor. For example, the limbs of human, frog, lizard and bird are similar in structure, though they perform different functions, suggesting their evolutionary relationship.

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