In the context of reproduction of species state the main difference between fission and fragmentation. Also give one example of each.

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Fission is the method of asexual reproduction in unicellular forms of life. In this process the parent organism splits to form two or more daughter cells. Example, Ameoba and Plasmodium
Fragmentation is the process found in multicellular organisms. The filament breaks up into two or more pieces upon maturation. These pieces then grow into new individuals. Example, Spirogyra.

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Fission: It is the method of asexual reproduction in the unicellular form of life.

ln this piocess the parent organism splits to form two or more daughter cells.

Example: Amoeba/Plasmodium/Paramecium.

Fragmentation: It is.the process found in multicellular organisms. The filament breaks up into two or more pieces upon maturation. These  Rtecea then grow into new individuals

Example: Spirogyra.

Detailed Answer:

Fission: It is defined as the splitting of a unicellular organism into two or more than two separate daughter ceils. It is the most common and simplest method of asexual reproduction in unicellular organisms, such as bacteria and Protozoa. Generally, it is of two types i.e. binary and multiple fission. In binary fission, parent organism divides into two identical daughter organism with definite orientation. In multiple fission, parent organism divides into binary identical daughter organisms. The nucleus of the cell splits repeatedly to form many smaller nuclei called daughter nuclei surrounded by a little bit of cytoplasm and thin membrane around them.

Fragmentation:  It is a form of asexual reproduction in which multicellular organisms like filamentous algae (Spirogyra) break up into two or more small fragments or pieces. On maturity, each of which subsequently grows to form a completely new organism.

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