

Option 4 : iv


Address in option

Original Address



Danish Exports Ltd Vangehursej 15 P.O.Box J2001, Copenhagen DENMARK 1.

Danish Exports Ltd Vangehursej 15 P.O.Box J2001, Copenhagen DENMARK1.

Both the addresses are exactly the same.


Danish Exports Ltd Vangehursej 15 P.O.Box J2001, Copenhagen DENMARK 1.

Danish Exports Ltd Vangehursej 15 P.O.Box J2001, Copenhagen DENMARK1.

Both the address are exactly the same.


Danish Exports Ltd Vangehursej 15 P.O.Box J2001, Copenhagen DENMARK 1.

Danish Exports Ltd Vangehursej 15 P.O.Box J2001, Copenhagen DENMARK1.

Both the address are exactly the same.


Danish Exports Ltd Vangehusrej 15 P.O.Box J2001, Copenhagen DENMARK 1.

Danish Exports Ltd Vangehursej 15 P.O.Box J2001, Copenhagen DENMARK1.

Original address has 'Vangehursej' while given address has 'Vangehusrej'.

The position of 'r' and 's' have interchanged their places which makes the given address different from original address.

Hence, ‘option iv’ is the correct answer.

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