

Option 2 : B1, B2, B3, G2, G3

As per the questions :

There are five boys B1, B2, B3, B4, and B5, and five girls G1, G2, G3, G4, and G5. B2 and G3 have to be selected together.


  1. G1 and B5 must be together.
  2. B1 and G5 can't be together.
  3. G2 and B4 can't be together.
  4. G3 and B5 can't be together.

For option 1:B1, B2, B3, G1, G3:

False, As it does not follow condition 1.

G1 and B5 are not together.

For option 2: B1, B2, B3, G2, G3.

True, As it follows all conditions.

For option 3: B1, B2, B5, G1, G3:

False, As it does not follows condition 2.

B1 and G5 are coming together.

For, option 4: B1, B3, B5, G2, G4:

False, As it does not satisfy condition 1.

G1 and B5 are not coming together.

Therefore, the correct answer is "B1, B2, B3, G2, G3".

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