

Option 1 : Thyroxine


  • Thyroxine can be continued during the pregnancy.
  • Levothyroxine is proven that it is safe for the baby.
  • Thyroid hormone replacement is important to maintain and regulate pregnancy.

 Coumadin in pregnancy

  • Coumadin is warfarin, a form of oral anti coagulant.
  • It increases the risk of hemorrhagic complications.
  • Warfarin also interferes with fetal protein production necessary for bone and cartilage development.
  •  This condition is called warfarin embryopathy.

[ alt="F1 Utkarsha Madhuri 29.10.2021 D13" embryopathy: balancing maternal and fetal risks with anticoagulation therapy pediatrics neonatology src="//storage.googleapis.com/tb-img/production/21/11/F1_Utkarsha_Madhuri_29.10.2021_D13.png" style="height: 202px; width: 150px;">

[ alt="F1 Utkarsha Madhuri 29.10.2021 D14" embryopathy: balancing maternal and fetal risks with anticoagulation therapy pediatrics neonatology src="//storage.googleapis.com/tb-img/production/21/11/F1_Utkarsha_Madhuri_29.10.2021_D14.png" style="height: 187px; width: 138px;">

Tetracycline in Pregnancy

  • Tetracycline is a bacteriostatic antibiotic.
  • It is contraindicated in pregnancy.
  • It causes hepatotoxicity in the mother.
  • It can potentially cause permanent discolouration of teeth in the baby.
  • It can exaggerate pre-existing renal failure in the mother.
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