1. I did not commit the crime
  2. I committed the crime
  3. I will be shot
  4. You committed the crime

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Option 3 : I will be shot

The correct answer is 'I will be shot'

  • From the given paragraph, it can be inferred that if the prisoners' statement turns out to be true, they are hanged.
  • And if their statement turns out to be false, they are shot.
  • If we assume that the prisoner must have made the statement 'I will be shot', and the judge decides to hang him, then since the statement turned out to be false, the punishment for him will be to be shot.
  • However, if the judge decides to shoot the prisoner, his statement turns out to be true and thus his punishment is to be hanged.
  • Therefore, since no decision of the judge will be in accordance with the rules of their legal system, thus the judge had no option but to set him free.
  • Hence, option 3 is the correct answer.

  • Legal system is the set of laws of a country and the ways in which they are interpreted and enforced.
    • For eg.- There are hundreds of legal systems in the world.
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Option 3 : I will be shot

It is possible for the judge to determine the truth or falsity of the statements in options 1, 2 and 4 and hence, the judge would not set the prisoner free.

But the judge cannot decide whether the statement 'I will be shot' is true or false and the likely decision would be to release the prisoner.

Hence, option 3 is the correct answer.

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