1. Party C and Others
  2. Party F and Party B
  3. Party B and Others
  4. Party F and Others

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Option 1 : Party C and Others


Clearly, winning party is Party D with 54 votes

Now to find groups that would NOT have been able to defeat the winning party, we check the sum of votes for party groups given in options.

Sum of votes for Party C and Others = 29 + 17 = 46 < 54

Sum of votes for Party F and Party B = 39 + 37 = 76 > 54

Sum of votes for Party B and Others = 37 + 17 = 54 = 54

Sum of votes for Party F and Others = 39 + 17 = 66 > 54

Clearly, the group that would NOT have been able to defeat the winning party is Party C and Others.

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