

Option 3 : All of the conclusions follow.

The least possible Venn diagram for given statements is as shown below :

[ alt="F1 Madhuri SSC 23.03.2022 D17" src="//storage.googleapis.com/tb-img/production/22/03/F1_Madhuri_SSC_23.03.2022_D17.png" style="width: 241px; height: 122px;">


I. Some architects are beauticians → True (Some beauticians are architects so, Some architects are beauticians is true)

II. Some cashiers are architects → True (All architects are cashiers so, Some cashiers are architects is true)

III. Some cashiers are beauticians → True (All architects are cashiers and Some beauticians are architects so, Some cashiers are beauticians is true)

Hence, the correct answer is "All of the conclusions follow".

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