

Option 1 : Both conclusions I and IV and either II or III follows


Some drums are violins

Some violins are pianos

All the pianos are flutes.

The least possible diagram for the given statements is as follows

[ alt="F1 Madhuri SSC 14.05.2022 D37" src="//storage.googleapis.com/tb-img/production/22/05/F1_Madhuri_SSC_14.05.2022_D37.png" style="width: 258px; height: 94px;">


I. Some flutes are violins → True (because some violins are pianos and all pianos are flutes so some flutes are also violins)

II. Some pianos are drums → False (there is no relationship given between drums and pianos so it may be possible but not defined)

III. No piano is drum → False (there is no relationship given between drums and pianos so it may be possible but not defined)

IV. Some violins are drums → True (because some violins are pianos so some pianos are also violins)

Here Conclusion II and III are complementary pairs.

Hence, “Both conclusions I and IV and either II or III follows".

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