<u>Directions :</u> In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by three conclusions. Give answer :<br><br><u>Statement :</u> Ravi decided to leave office at 4.00 p.m. to catch a flight to Bangalore departing at 6.00 p.m.<br><br><u>Assumptions :</u><br>I. The flight to Bangalore may be delayed.<br>II. He may be able to reach airport well before 6.00 p.m.<br>III. He may get adequate time to search for a vehicle to go to the airport.<br>

Correct Answer: Only II and III are implicit
I cannot be assumed from the given statement and so it is not implicit. Also, knowing that his flight is scheduled to depart at 6 p.m., Ravi would leave accordingly, keeping enough time to search for a vehicle and to reach the airport well before time. So, both II and III are implicit.